This is so beautiful. Again you make your mama cry, tears of joy and happiness and so much love for you both. My beloveds 💞

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This just cracked my heart wide open … what a profound beauty of expressing, and letting, Love flow between you. I fell in love with love over again :’)

“What are we? I have no idea. How are we? We are so unbelievably good.”

*how* are we? (Mmm!)

The truest questions can reveal better answers.

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Oh Jesse…I am thrilled, delighted and oh so happy for you and Alex. Sounds like your 1st year together is sure to be absolutely wonderful! Hip, hip Hooray!!!💞

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Cried reading this. May this be a beautiful start of a life together for you two, lead by love, devotion and tenderness towards each other.

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Now this is glorious... especially amongst so many painful worldly blogs at the moment. I was beside Rini’s tomb once and beautifully am reminded of being there with your writing here. I shall pick up and read your Piercing the Heart again today 🙏🏼💙🙏🏼

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Lots of good wishes to both of you! So beautifully written with such honesty.

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I'm crying. Many blessings!

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So happy for you!

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This is very touching. Thank you for sharing such a sweet experience.

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